Health coverage for every stage of your life
Our family of companies is here to help our members navigate their way to healthier lives.
Explore our plans
Health plans, programs and services for employers, individuals, families and Medicare beneficiaries.
Health plans, programs and services for employers, individuals, families, Medicaid beneficiaries and Medicare beneficiaries.
Why Point32Health
Point32Health is a leading nonprofit health and well-being organization, delivering a better health care experience to the communities we serve.
We look beyond the status quo and bring together wide-ranging collaborators and perspectives for bold ideas to solve health care’s greatest challenges.
Count on high-quality coverage from trusted and respected brands that constantly work to deliver simpler, smarter and more seamless experiences.
Whole health
With a team-based approach, we bring medical, pharmacy, wellness and behavioral health professionals together to ensure our members benefit from coordinated, whole-person care.
We ensure that every member, no matter their life stage or health circumstance, is covered and has the guidance, clarity and support they need.
Our recognition
Through our products, programs, services and support for our members and communities, we’re committed to creating access to high-quality health care.
Health equity
Our health plans are among the first in New England to earn Health Equity Accreditation from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).*
Disability inclusion
We have been named a Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion by Disability:IN and the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD).
The Civic 50
Point32Health was named to Points of Light’s Civic 50, a list of the top socially responsible companies across the country.
LGBTQ+ inclusion
We have received a score of 100 on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s 2023-2024 Corporate Equality Index (CEI) and designated an Equality 100 Award: Leader in LGBTQ+ Workplace Inclusion.
News & media
New agreement with Tenet Healthcare
We’ve reached a four-year agreement with the owner of MetroWest Medical Center and Saint Vincent Hospital.
Statement on Steward hospital closures
Learn about the initiatives we have implemented to help members who are impacted by the closures of Carney Hospital and Nashoba Valley Medical Center.
Health equity
Advancing maternal health care
Point32Health seeks innovative solutions, including recent Maven Clinic collaboration, to provide more equitable access to maternal and family care.
Thought leadership
Points of View
An inside look at our purpose, culture and vision for health care. See our story unfold through the lenses of our leaders, partnerships and communities.
Ready to join our team?
* Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Commercial Combined and Exchange HMO, and Tufts Health Public Plan Medicaid and Exchange HMO, both Point32Health companies, are among the first health plans in New England accredited for health equity. Health equity accreditation recognizes organizations that lead the market in providing culturally and linguistically sensitive services and that work to reduce health care disparities.