Back to Insights and Updates for ProvidersJuly 2024

New maternity and family planning webpages launch

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Starting a family is not always easy — that’s why we’ve launched the new maternity and family planning sections of our Point32Health and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care member websites to offer members a wealth of resources to help them navigate the process. The need for health care tailored to the individual is important, and these new sites aim to support members in all stages of family planning and care, from conception to birth and beyond.

Additional topics include obtaining breast pumps, being reimbursed for lactation consultations, offering care management support for pregnant members, and more. The websites will also spotlight Ovia Health, which is available to support and guide members through the journey of reproductive health, pregnancy and parenthood.

We encourage you to share these valuable resources with any Point32Health (Harvard Pilgrim or Tufts Health Plan) patients in your practice who may benefit from them!