Back to Insights and Updates for ProvidersMarch 2025

Content centralized to Point32Health provider website

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As you’ve likely read in previous issues of Insights and Updates for Providers — most recently in the December 2024 issue — one of our priorities has been moving content from our legacy Harvard Pilgrim Health Care and Tufts Health Plan provider websites onto the centralized Point32Health provider website to promote a streamlined provider experience.

We’re delighted to share that this work is officially complete! All the information and tools you reference on a daily basis are now hosted in one location, so instead of navigating between multiple websites to find the resources you need to provide exceptional care to our members, you can access it all right where you already are — at

View the new electronic services pages

The latest content relocated to the integrated Point32Health provider website includes our electronic services landing page, where you’ll find everything you need to do business with us as efficiently as possible in one handy spot.

We recommend leveraging our electronic options whenever possible for their ease of use, and everything you need to do so lives here, from information and resources related to Electronic Funds Transfer and Electronic Data Interchange, to the registration pages for our Harvard Pilgrim and Tufts Health Plan secure online provider portals, as well as links to the portals themselves (Harvard Pilgrim, Tufts Health Plan).

Bookmark the Point32Health provider site

Please keep in mind that with the completion of this initiative to move all pertinent content to the Point32Health provider website, we will be decommissioning the respective provider websites specific to legacy Harvard Pilgrim and Tufts Health Plan in the coming months. While those website URLs will redirect to the Point32Health site for a time, we encourage you to bookmark the integrated Point32Health provider website to quickly and conveniently locate all the resources available to you and your practice.

We hope you find that our new-and-improved provider website suits your needs more concisely and completely than ever before!