Telehealth reimbursement update for BH services
Increased reimburse rate for BH telehealth services provided by non-BH providers.
Increased reimburse rate for BH telehealth services provided by non-BH providers.
Required value codes when billing for end-stage renal disease services.
Please keep required billing practices for telehealth services in mind.
The 2024-2025 plan year for Harvard Pilgrim/GIC products begins July 1.
Point32Health is expanding coverage for Behavioral Health Integration services.
We’ve developed a new HEDISĀ® tip sheet for the PRS-E measure.
Pharmacy coverage changes for various Point32Health products.
We’re updating medical drug claims editing logic to remove certain edits.
We’re updating home health care UM requirements for quality and efficiency.
Integrated Point32Health Medical Necessity Guidelines for Non-Emergency Medical Transportation.
A standard authorization form for ABA services has been adopted.
Point32Health provides complex care management services individually tailored to patients.
Point32Health’s chronic condition management programs reinforce clinician treatment plans.
Pharmacy coverage changes for various Point32Health products.
Reminder of our biosimilar strategy for trastuzumab oncology drugs.
Clarification on how to request authorization for oral formula.
Massachusetts law now requires mandatory exceptions in step therapy protocols.
Annual mental health wellness exams covered at no cost for certain members.
Lead screenings for ages 0-6 years covered with no member cost share.
Pharmacy coverage changes for various Point32Health products.