Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Sending electronic transactions has a host of benefits — fewer errors, more control over data accuracy, improved cash flow, and lower operating costs. Conduct a broad range of services electronically, including:
Eligibility (270/271 transactions)
Verify patient eligibility, determine copayment at the time of service, and prevent inaccurate patient eligibility information — the #1 reason for EDI claim rejection.
Claims submission (837)
Submit one electronic file for all your HIPAA-compliant professional (837P) and institutional (837I) claims and receive a reply within 24 hours. We accept EDI claims from all major clearinghouses.
Claims status (276/277)
Get information about the status of your claims quickly. Submit 276 transactions to request the current status of a claim or claims, and receive a 277 response to that inquiry.
Referral/notification/authorization (278)
Send and receive referrals in minutes, submit authorization requests and receive instant confirmation of receipt, verify that services are authorized, and support care coordination by ensuring specialists are aware of scope of services/number of visits recommended by PCP.
Remittance Advice (835)
Manage accounts receivable with state-of-the-art reporting. The 835 ERA (Electronic Remittance Advice) reports final claim adjudication results to allow the provider system to auto post claim adjudication.
Connecting electronically: trading partner or direct
Submit electronic transactions directly to Point32Health through a preferred e-channel or indirectly through an intermediary, such as a trading partner or clearinghouse. We have established connections with all major clearinghouses, including NEHEN, NEHENNet, and others.
For direct submission, a provider’s billing system is set up to connect with the Point32Health claims system. There are no charges for direct submission, and the EDI teams listed below can assist with direct set up.
To get started with EDI submission, please contact the EDI team noted below:
- Harvard Pilgrim Health Care: edi_team@point32health.org
- Tufts Health Plan: edi_operations@point32health.org