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Members’ rights and responsibilities

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Point32Health’s Harvard Pilgrim Health Care and Tufts Health Plan members are notified of their respective plans’ members’ rights and responsibilities upon enrollment and annually thereafter, and all clinicians also receive a copy at the time of contracting and credentialing and annually thereafter.

Periodically, Point32Health will include this information in our provider newsletter. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the documents below, found in the Provider Manuals specific to our various Harvard Pilgrim and Tufts Health Plan lines of business.

Because this information may vary among states, product lines, etc., please be sure to read each section that pertains to patients you treat.

Harvard Pilgrim Health Care:

  • Rights and Responsibilities policy in the Member Care section of the Commercial Provider Manual

Tufts Health Plan:

Copies of this information can also be mailed upon request by calling Provider Services.