Tufts Health Plan secure portal registration
Registration instructions
Getting started with the Tufts Health Plan secure portal begins at the portal registration page. To get started, determine the type of registration you need to complete. To add an additional provider or providers to your existing account, click “I need additional access” or to register a new account, click “Continue with registration”.
Have the following information handy to add additional providers or create a new account:
- NPI (National Provider Identification)
- One of the following:
- Tax ID number (group registrations)
- Social Security number (individual registrations)
- Information from two recent claims submitted by the provider
Select Your Role
If you are registering to be the Senior Access Administrator (SAA) of the NPI entered and there is already an NPI in place, you must select “Replace current SAA” or “Cancel to start over” and select a different role.
If you are registering as the provider, select “Provider.” You will need to enter the last four digits of your SSN or your TIN. You will need to answer security questions to validate your identity. Once you complete the questions correctly, you will be able to access the secure provider porta
If you are registering on behalf of the provider, select “On behalf of provider.” You will need the information the last four digits of the provider social security number, the provider’s TIN, and information from two recent claims submitted to Tufts Health Plan by the provider. In addition, you will need to list the provider’s email address. An email will be sent to that email requesting that the provider approve or reject the request and asking the provider to answer security information to validate their identity.
If the portal registration request is approved, you will receive an email indicating you may now access the secure provider portal.